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WATCH: Democratic candidates face off in Nevada


WATCH: Democratic candidates face off in Nevada

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WATCH: Democratic candidates face off in Nevada

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Transcript for Democratic candidates face off in Nevada

I’m Doreen not in Las Vegas, Nevada eight his pocket stay here and Joseph Biden just at this stage right behind me. His supporters are months needs at this stage and he said they’re willing on the South Carolina. Yeah are going to. And then here believe it’s hate this race back. Now even though it appears on the numbers coming in still aren’t that Bernie Sanders is leading we’re hearing from the Biden campaign that they are. And windy like that looks like the rest of the country and ate like this bone could very well for them. Going forward now we’ll look at the numbers it recliner ABC’s global director in DC record. Leasing from the numbers he has are in a second place finisher Biden would make the race a heck of a lot more interest thing from here but. This does appear to be a night that belongs to Bernie Sanders again not enough information for ABC news make a projection but as you see the numbers roll lane.

Puffy Lux

That first all that first number on your screen that’s Albert Bernie Sanders and the other candidates did with the people who walked in the door that’s the old the first alignment that’s second number. Is what happened after people that’s the didn’t get 15% of the vote a real line and then in the caucus system. They join up you see Bernie Sanders number getting a little bit bigger as is Joseph Biden is in that second number now the third number. It’s a little confusing but it’s drawn from a different data source entirely that’s directly from the state party and that’s the number. Of county convention delegates that are awarded. That’s the number the you have to keep an eye on and that’s the number that Bernie Sanders is hoping to ride to victory in the delegate race and if he walks away with more delegates. Through this third about a he’s likely to take an overall delegate lead right now people who judge has a narrow lead. A but it Bernie Sanders takes it over he is well positioned in the Super Tuesday states and beyond and and that’s were Biden comes in the Biden campaign obviously gonna put up a spirited fight. They’re gonna point to their strength particularly among African American voters a which was very real according to our entrance polls. But Bernie Sanders out will if he wins in in Nevada will be able to say that he won the popular vote in the first three states voting. I’m that sounds a heck of a lot like a front runner. Rick unite and how strong Bernie Sanders looks right now we have Mary Alice parks aren’t as deputy political director over at the party headquarters in Vegas right now. Mary Alice you know Bernie Sanders a better than almost anyone you’ve been watching his campaign closely for years. Tell us what his team is staying out there. There’s nothing official from his campaign yet Dorian but I saw one campaign staffer tweet. If your members how much establishment had scoffed at parties dinners in the past he’s proud of the fact that Sanders was never demoralize and never wavered from his agenda. The staffer wrote on Twitter that they are building a movement to change history. I was struck by one number in that early entrance polls that ABC had that showed that Bernie 149%. Of people that identified as very liberal Zarryon. The in. And we will have more. More in thirty minutes for eighty being used live I’m doing enough.

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate.

{“duration”:”2:52″,”description”:”Bernie Sanders leads in the Nevada caucuses as Joe Biden vies for second.”,”mediaType”:”default”,”section”:”ABCNews/Politics”,”id”:”69151146″,”title”:”Democratic candidates face off in Nevada”,”url”:”/Politics/video/democratic-candidates-face-off-nevada-69151146″}

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